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Showing posts from January, 2010

Programming lessons

One of my friends shared this in Google Reader - most of them are items I already knew about and been rehashed in several programming articles/books. I do feel like #5 needs to be repeated over and over again for me. " You are not the best at programming. Live with it. - I always thought that I knew so much about programming, but there is always someone out there better than you. Always. Learn from them." One must never forget the fact that we are all "standing on the shoulders of giants". Well, Isaac Newton put it that way but you get my point. Everything we accomplish in our field today is because a few pioneers in the past did the ground-work to get us here. I understand that, but tend to stumble at the "Live with it" part. I do realize that I have to keep learning and keep improving myself, but its hard for me to calmly accept that someone is much better than me. I don't mean that I don't acknowledge my weaknesses, its more along the lines of

Why blog now

I've had several failed attempts at blogging before, but it was always because of this primary reason - is it okay to reveal thoughts and feelings that I consider private? When I thought about blogging about geeky/work related stuff, I hesitated because I didn't want to appear stupid. After all what is the point of writing about information that is already available at a click of a button online. I didn't know if I had anything unique to write about. The facebook generation we live in has changed all that. I see people posting the most mundane details of their life and still getting tons of replies. I realized I don't have to be perfect to start blogging. My posts may be banal at first but I am hoping the process of writing something everyday will make it better over time. The theme of this blog - my life - Maya, my work, what I read online just anything that comes up that day.